Sunday, August 28, 2011

Conscious River . Current . 14

Conscious River Anti-Cancer Life Coaching FREE Consultation. Call 818.237.3487


In a recent collaboration with United Steps, approximately 30 people came together to give 1,000+ hugs with the core intention to invite people to strike up a conversation with and give at least ONE hug to a homeless person. Stemming from that, for every sign we sell, FHLA has decided to designate 1 sign for United Steps to use or give away in their work with homeless people. You may purchase a sign @ or simply donate as generously as you can towards the purchase of signs to literally give away in this regard. Very excited to announce that FREE HUGS Los Angeles has distributed over 800 FREE HUGS signs already! Also very excited to be heading to Las Vegas again this coming Labor Day weekend to raise even more awareness of this concept and give even more FREE HUGS there! If you can join us at any point, call Andrew @ (818)237-3487 or just check the Facebook page.

FREE HUGS Giveaway Signs

Join the conversation with others from around the world (via LIVE chat) for a dynamic synchronized screening of the groundbreaking film You Can Heal Your Life, 2nd Sunday of Every Month @ 11:30am. Visit the Lobby to view the trailer, invite friends, set a text message reminder and more ...

Conscious River
Conscious River ONE NOW T-Shirt
Many colors and fits Available NOW @

To re-visit any of the links you receive in this newsletter and experience more conscious web content, inspirational quotes, and empowering books and films, visit Conscious River. To share anything, click on the "contact" link from the bottom menu of the website. Our collective eyes are the best tool for finding conscious material to share with and uplift others. Whatever it is, if it makes people feel good, has a quality that unites people, or just stands out in your mind, please don't hesitate to share it.

‎"Your only limitations are those you set up in your own mind or permit others to set up for you."
-Elizabeth Arden

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