Thursday, April 17, 2008

Evolution of the Mind - A New Earth free online class

Hello Everyone,

I've been noticing lately in people, that much of our thinking appears to be tainted with FEAR, which keeps us from pursuing what we really want in life. FEAR appears to be a remnance of the fight or flight mechanism still ingrained in our psyche from our "animal" ancestors.

The human mind, if put on a time line of evolution of all species that have come before Human Beings on this planet, is at it's absolute infancy. Basically we as human beings have this new tool that sets apart from all other animals, yet we haven't figured out yet that it is a tool, and instead of picking it up and using it to accomplish tasks and putting it down when we have accomplished something, we are like a carpenter who after a long day of work, still has a hammer in his hand at the dinner table. We rarely put it away. It's as if the tool, our thinking mind, is using us.

The collective human mind has yet to evolve to self awareness, true consciousness. We are slowly learning that we can completely dis-identify from our thoughts and emotions, yet we are still ONE with them, most of the time. Most of us may not have known that observation of the mind was even an option. If unchecked (un observed), our thoughts and emotions have the potential to snowball to the point of insanity.

Many people go to psychologists and take prescription drugs to solve this human condition. This is no longer needed!

To learn more about how to free yourself from your mind, from fear, without drugs, and heighten your sense of aliveness every moment of every day, join the online class for "A New Earth" with author Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey, Monday nights at 6pm Pacific Time - US